Saturday, January 2, 2010

Jan 2, 2010....(2)

Its been a long long time i didn't update myself here...^^
i'll try my best to update u all about myself in these few months of time...

2009 October 21-26
I went to Junior Youth Bible Camp ( JYBC ) that held at Port Dickson ( PD )....
I was helping at there...cause i'm over age...XD
that camp is just for children from 13-15 years old....
So...that day after Sabbath service den me and my brother driving 4 children using GA church van went to PD....
We took around 1 hour and 30 minutes to reach there...
cause in the middle of our way, there were few accidents...
so Malaysians always had a habit...its to slow down and see what had happen...
but without helping those victims....Haiz....
we safely reached PD around 6:30pm...^^
thank GoD....
Den I was being arrange to help out at the registration counter...
so i quickly went there to help out lor...
so paiseh...cause almost half of the students already registered...>.<
Hm...then...after awhile...brothers' counsellor were being 'chase' out for dinner...
so we close down the registration counter...
Then, after our dinner...we continue our job lor..
its quite fun..hehe...
after tat...around 7:40pm...i rang the bell lor...( i'm the bell boy )hehe....
cause 7:45pm will commence the opening ceremony...
so we all put down our work and lock the room...
so we just go into church hall...
as usual...sure got speeches de lor..
den...after all speeches..
den introduce session...^^
from counsellors to the students...

after that was Briefing time....
and that was the time tat students hate the most...
cause got~~~~
Rules and Regulations....Xp
when all things done already near 10 pm jor...
den we all counsellors fast fast continue registration things and then go for meeting lor...
by 11 pm tat time...
Au yang volunteer to go upstairs to make those students sleep...^^

~~To be Continue~~

den we, the others counsellors continued our meeting...
hehe..its quite fun and tough actually to be a counsellor..
still got much things need to learn, how to deal with those kidults...
Den... after tat we eat up those supper that had prepared lor..^^
after tat...sleep...

Hm...den the 2nd day... i'm the bell ringer...
of course will woke up and ring the bell to wake them up lor..hehe..
wash up n prepared go into church hall lor..
as usual..morning prayer den oni went for breakfast..
after that is talks about various topics for them...
got preachers and Dn. will be the speakers...
den we who r doin nth there will be sitting at the back there to join the talks...
so...the camp is from 21~26 November... 1st and last day don't have talks...
only 4 days of talks only...
in these few days... they had talks... activities...sports... fellowship...hymnal session...
so...from their faces still can see some enjoyment la..XD and also some satisfaction..Xp

the last day was their happy moment that they had dream of since the 1st day they reached the camp...Xp
actually the place tat we heading i've been there once b4...
the other time was i sick edi so i din join them for the outing..
just sleeping at the church...resting there... cause got fever...>.<
so ngam during that period of time keep raining...
so we do worried that our plan isit can still carry on...
but after discuss-ing for 2 days...
we decide stick to the original plan lor..
den we just do some Backup plan as well..
we went through the PD near our church area....
but we cant really get enough of disposable rain coat lor...
only get around 20-30 + if i'm not wrong...
but den we got around 70++ students...
so we really headache...
den au yang call up Dn. Phan in Seremban...
asked for his help..
really Thx GoD that Dn. Phan can get tat much of stock that we need...^^
and also really appreaciate his help...cause we causing him such paiseh...
On the last day...
we wake up as usual..
after morning prayer...
we quickly change our cloths and pants...wear sports shoes for the jungle tracking and climb the light tower..

while we waiting the bus.. we distribute those our special breakfast-- Burger...
due to the bus was late...and actually they promise to give us air-conditioned bus...
but end up is just skul bus...that dun even have a fan...T.T...LOL..XD
nvm...i think edi complain and cut the cost...XD
we just board on the bus lor...
bring mineral water and milo pack drinks for them..

when we reached there...
the sisters already waiting for our brothers' bus...
cause they depart 1st..
and we were waiting for the 2nd bus to come... and its also late...>.<


So.. we started to walk up the hill towards the light house..^^
when we just started.. it starts to rain..
My brother is being assign to distribute the raincoat...
cause we are at the back..
so we both distribute the rain coat while running to the front...
but the rain just fall for a while only..
so most of us didn't put on the rain coat..
cause its very hot if wearing it...
just few of the students wear it only..

So we continue to walk up lor...
some of the students that didn't exercise in their daily life started to felt tired edi..
cause the slope was abit long...
after awhile...all of us manage to reach the top..^^
so... just taking few photos at there...
but au yang is too busy edi till now still not yet post it up...>.<

Den after that... we divided into 2 groups..
1 of the group is for those that dun wan and can't go for jungle tracking de...
they just go back there and just go to the other beach....
and the other group will be start their extreme adventure of Jungle tracking to another nicer beach...XD
so.. of course i followed the extreme adventure group...
i'm assign to be in the middle of the group...
but den...
cause some students were very slow..
so i keep shouting to them to go faster...
1 of the reason is because dun wan to delay the whole trip..
the other important reason is because i'm not familiar with the road...
its better for us to keep up in track wif the front...
Due to the rainy season...
the jungle is very damp..
the land is very muddy... till you can step your foot into it....yaiks...>.<
that time i was wearing my white colour sports shoes some more...T.T
heart pain...XD...cause my shoes will be very dirty...>.<


Jan 2, 2010....

Its a New Year....!!!
Brand New Start....=)
Wish everybuddy Happy New Year o....
Happy 2010....^^