Friday, July 31, 2009


Hm...tired now...update tomolo morning lor...

Saturday morning...
Hm...yesterday morning also quite same wif the day before....
just din go out take things oni....
den i started to prepare the sermon tat i need to deliver at the nite at church...
den i finally made up my mind n choose 1 topic from the taiwan church de website...
there got lots of sermon tat can be use as references de...
den....almost 1pm tat time...
Mr Fish sms-ed me tat he suddenly cant coach at the evening....
so asked for my favor lor...den i just reply ok.....
hm...den i took my lunch...mix rice....
after ate....i print the sermon out n den try to read it again n again....hopefully can deliver it well...
i also take out bible to find some bible verses la...XD
but i also got take out dictionary....cause got few chinese words dunno how to pronounce...XD
paiseh paiseh....hehe....
So, i went n take a nap....woke up at 3:30pm....
den prepared n go n coach...
cause Mr Fish said cant find a player tat he can pass the key to...
so no ball for practice.....
when reached there, saw just a few of them oni....
cause Mr Fish had bring those standard 4 & 5 students for competition at Rawang there...Gun Dang....
den i asked them whether they got ball anot....luckily they had a ball...but is for secondary skul use de....
So, as usual...let them run for 10 rounds of the Bball court...den warm up....
cause they basic also dunno....den i just teach them how to do lay up...
saw them like tat i also headache....XD
oh yea...almost a stupid student...he tried to steal the ball when i was holding it...
i asked them to warm up....den i took the ball...hold it by my side...
and that time the wisel is on my mouth...the stupid student hit the ball very hard n kena the wisel n my mouth....
Damn it man..!!!
i felt the wisel cut my flesh in my mouth...on my teeth...
den i knew sure bleed my guess is correct....den i was very angry...stupid kid...
den i just use some water to rinse ma mouth....haiz....
den i was trying to control my temper...i scare i'll blast it out...
stupid kid....din even said sorry also....
den some of them scared edi...saw my face like tat....den they dun dare to make noise also...XD
after tat....i just dun wan think about tat la....forgive him once la.... i mention above...asked them to do lay up lor...its a basic move....
must master it...
den practice tat for quite long also....luckily got some improvement...
den i let them go drink water n rest awhile....
after that...i asked them to practice pass-ing ball....
they dun even know how to pass ball also...sien jor...
den teach them again n again lor....
dunno why girls are so afraid of the the ball will eat them up .....
after n drink water...the next session is shooting....
cause the i asked the students to borrow balls from the sports equipment store...
there got teacher there....
den those balls are very sucks....cant really play de...
not enough air in the ball...
so cant practice dribble lor...
so just let them do shooting....
by that time....those players tat went for competition came back....
den they just as usual...disturbing lor...
those girls just join in for shooting lor....
den i just bet wif them lor...
if they shoot 10 balls in at the spot tat i set for them...den i treat them eat...
no buddy can achieve tat.....the highest is oni 8 balls...
den i give them another chance...
stand further abit...shoot in 2 balls den can edi...
after few rounds 1 of them finally success...haha....
den another 1 also successfully shoot in 2 balls...
follow by another 2 girls also....
haha....den..of course as wat i promise....
got 2 girls went back edi....
so i the other 2 girls wanna me treat them immediately...
so i just treat them lor....
kids like to eat junk i just pay for them la...haha.....
but dun let them drink or eat cold drinks or food....
after tat i quickly rush back home to prepare myself....
reached home at 6:15pm....
den quickly take bath n dress up myself....
after tat....take my dinner....
after dinner just check my preparation for sermon tonite....
den go to church lor...
cause quite some of the members is not around...
so when i started the service...
its was just a few of the members on the floor oni....
den i just started to deliver my sermon....
cause dun hv well preparation n dun hv interpretation....
so the time is definately short lor....
i ended my sermon at 8:30pm....
den pray for 15-20mins lor...
service ended b4 9pm....its very early.....
den as usual.....have some refreshment=supper lor.....
haha....after tat...took off n go home....
reach home oni 9:30pm.....quite early compare to other fridays....
den i just called jia fong to yumcha.....
jia hao sick edi....cant out....
juin rong coming over from her gf there....
den jia fong 2 frens also comin....monkey n ah datt....
den cause i din celebrate my dai gor--jia fong Bday...
so i just bought 2 slices of secret recipe cake for him to eat...hehe....
we meet up at BBS mamak....
den we shre the cake n chit chating there lor...
around 11:40pm i reached home....
den i just took the laptop to my room lor...haha....
play till 1 am oni sleep....
so tat's it for friday....


Thursday, July 30, 2009


Hm...tis morning i woke up at 9:10am, cause need to go to take something from ma fren...
hehe....den cause i've made the ' appointment ' at 9:30-9:45am.....
den i needed to rush abit....
after breakfast den drive my bro de car..cause he is outstation...^^
reached her house just-in-time (JIT).... wakakaka.....
den...of course go into her house lor...XD
So..her little cute doggy...was quite exciting....keep barkig at me...
den after awhile...the dog quiet jor...cause i sayang him la of course...!!!! Xp
went there few times edi...every time also the same....
but the doggy really very very cute...hehe....^^
Den we chit chat there till 10:30am...
And i left her house lor...goin home....cause no plan yet...hehe....
reach home around 11:00am lor....
den just on9...^^....sure facebook-ing de lor...
beside sure will check mails la....hehe...
Hm...den saw a naughty gal on9..haha..
she just woke up nia...XD...11:30am
so late..!!!! i wanna sleep till so late also cant...everytime 10 am something edi woke jor...XD
Den while chating, i'm facebook-ing lor...
playing the friends for sale application...hehe...
keep playing till 1pm....den waiting my lunch to be served...Xp
After lunch den eat some junk food...XD
Den i just sit in front of TV n wasting my precious time....
2:20pm....i off tv n take a nap...XD
woke up at 4:10pm...hahaha....Xp...wat a lazy pig...hehe....
den..turn on tv again....waste another 1 hour...
at 5:20pm...went for basketball at yesterday de place...
but when i reached there...its was so disappointed lor....
Very Very few ppl oni....haiz...
den lepak for a while...
change cloth...tie up my shoes laces....
den just go for shooting lor...
after few minutes...cant tahan edi...damn sien man..!!!!
cause there are 5 persons in the court...den i just ask another person come in so tat can play 3on3..
Hm...den after the 1st game...i fault again...haiz....>.<
den got ppl shout for next his turn edi...
den we change game mode into 4on 4....
i join the winning team lor...XD
quite interesting also...ehehe....
played for another 2 games oni...after tat some of them dun wan play anymore...
so we played 2on2....but halfway also stop edi....
so i just play 1on1 wif another guy lor...
its damn tiring...cause we both also exhausted edi...XD
but den we still manage to finish up the game....i lost....cause i've give up...XD
den...we just shooting at there....
Soon after tat, i went home....
Dinner time..!!!
After dinner, on9 again...
Den after digest my dinner...i bath....
after bath...continue on9 lor...Xp
cause tv programme abit sien....
facebook-ing.....leave Quizs......

Now is the Main Point jor...
Hm...i done quite some quiz in facebook.....some i publish but some i dun....
So got a quiz de result state in the bold n bigger word tat I SEEMS LIKE A PERVERT...!!!
den the explaination below that it explain is tat I AM NOT A PERVERT..!!!!
I hate those ppl who always just look something on the Main point...Most attractive de...
But no reading the EXPLAINATION below...
haiz....this world is full of these kind of ppl...
I really HATE these kind of ppl de....
i explained to them, but instead they.......haiz.....
really...HATE HATE HATE.....
but i HATE-HATE.....get wat i mean..???
i dun like to hate.....cause i dun like tat kind of feeling.....haiz...
really dunno those ppls why always like tat de....Shame on them..!!!
Just like seeing the outer appearance of a ppl but not the inner side....!!!
Haiz....suan la...dun care them disappointed wif such kind of FRIENDS...!!!!

Change topic edi....
den i just off facebook...cause angry edi....XD
so i manage to blogging here lor....while MSN chating...hehe..^^
k la...


Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Early in the morning was awaken by the noise of raining...
den sleep back again lor...XD
but today got tuition need to teach o...
at 9am....but den when alarm rang tat time is 8am...
den i saw the rain not yet i was lazying on bed lor...hehe...
den till 8:30am the rain still not yet stop...i scare edi....
cause dun wan to ride in the rain...scare fall sick...
den i sms her to help me pass the msg tat i cant go there in rain...
so need to change time to nite lor....
den changed it to 8pm...
so...when i woke up tat time is 8:20am....
den after confirm jor is around 8:35am...
the rain still keep pouring down from the sky....
So i just on9 and, of course is~~~FACEBOOK-ing la...!!!XD
den...around 9:15am the rain stop edi....OMG....
i'm saying tis : shit man...i've cancel the tuition session..but now the rain stop???!!!
damn it....haiz....
i was worry-ing tat his mum will Question me why cancel de...Xp
but then...i just try to ignore the feeling la...haha...
so i carry on my things...
after gaming awhile....
den have my breakfast...^^
eat quite much...
after finished...den clean up the table lor n wash plates....
but then, i think i got cold..cause got flu...
and feel very tired...wanna sick jor...
hate tis kind of feeling...
den i just lie down n sleep...try to sleep...
but cant sleep also...shit....haiz....
den my mum came back edi...
asking why i'm still at home...XD
den just explained to her lor....
den i keep sleep lor...
around 11:45am den oni i wake up...wahahaha...Xp
tat time feeling better edi...hehe...
den..i also forgot wat i do edi....
so...after awhile....around 1pm...i ate my lunch...chicken rice...hehe...
after tat....i on9 again..wasting time nia....
but after awhile..
cause i recall tat i need to prepare sermon tat i need to deliver it on friday nite at church...
so i just try to find it in the taiwan de church de website....
den i just surf into it lor...
found many articles lor...XD
den i keep finding lor...stil not yet decide which 1 to speak...hehe...
still have some webpage not yet close...leave it there...tomolo oni choose..^^
den after tat...cause watching the monitor so long time very tire-ing also....
den go take a nap lor...
around 5:15 woke up....
den help mum to put the curtain on lor..^^
Soon after finished i prepare things n go for Bball lor..
went to Kepong Ulu there de court play...
reach there around 6pm...
den saw selayang de Bball kaki also came here...haha...XD
den we play 4 on 4....quite a nice match....
we won the 1st game...
den 2nd game is tough game...almost lost it....
den when resting...saw somebuddy came..
wow...Juin Hao..!!! handsome guy man..!!
long time din see him edi..still handsome...but he is more fit edi...nice arm...^^
hopefully i can as fit as him la...
den we started the 3rd game...
its quite exciting lor...
hehe...but at last....lost 1 ball...Shit man..!!!
its all my fault..!!!! i've made much mistake lor...
den i rest at the side....preparing to go home....cause need to teach tuition...^^
reached home dinner within 10 mins....den go bath....
go out at 7:45pm lor...hehe...
reached his house at 8:00pm.....ngam ngam...^^
when go inside his house...his mum asked me....
hm...where do u live..? why morning cant come de..??
there still raining a.??? sounds like blame me on the time changes...XD
i just answer her lor...Xp
den i just go inside his room n started to teach him...
teach him 1H30M.....speak till almost no voice jor....XD
den i thinking wanna go to her house anot leh....since so near....
but after thinking....decide to go off to home lor...
cause she said she sick edi....den sure got lots of homework to do...
So i just dun wan go kacau her lor...Hopes she dun mind lor...^^
den..reached home...on9 again..hehe..^^since the laptop is on ma...XD
den..halfway opening the cd to let my mum see...
the parking lots downstairs seems like got few ppls is discussing there...
cause his parking lot is being parked by me...XD
he claim tat its his parking we just moved the car lor....den after long discussion...
the guard let us park at an empty lot 1st...
if the owner wanna park will let us know n remove it...^^
den my dad come up lor....
after awhile...den got 3 stupid security guards dragging the thing to claime n lock the tyre of car..
den me n my dad of course went out of the belcony n see wats happen-ing lor...
then the guard tat know english speaks lor...
he also dunno wat he is speak nia....bullshiting...
den i just go down lor...wanna remove the car...cause thought he wanna claime my bro car...
when i reach down dad at upstairs told me tat they wanna claim the car next to my bro car....
damn man..!!! make a fool of me...goin up n down...although i wanna keep fit la...XD
den saw a uncle hugging his daughter comin over...den have a chit chat....
den i just went upstairs lor...hehe.....
continue my on9....chating wif frens lor...
but not every frens also chat la....cause chating related to work de...hehe...
so i ignore some of them...
hope they dun mind o...sorry my frens...mayb after few weeks i have the mood to chit chat lor...
cause tis few days i'm abit messy wif my timetable...Xp
i need to do few important things...
after this week should be better...but i really need to start prepare my accouting paper jor..
its exam on sep...haiz...scary man..!!! din saw her on9....
but so surprise tat yee hoon got Facebook acc edi..
nice to meet her back at facebook...
although we live very near oni...
but din meet up also...haiz...>.<
hehe...ok lor..its time to sleep lor...


~~~~The End~~~~~

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


updated tomolo la...XD

no mood to update....abit sick...

Monday, July 27, 2009


Today, actually i planned to go out and give out those flyers de...
den hopefully can successfully get some people's attention...hehe....
If got people calls me means have high possibility tat i have income comin intomy pocket..
but den....after breakfast...already almost 11am edi...
den i just tried to revise wat i've learn...
after tat....trying out to design a new flyers....
cause wanna go n photostate n give it out...hehe....
but i've run out of something goes wrong...
so when the time i finished design the flyer....
its already 4pm.....i'm damn exhausted after sitting infront of the computer for so many hours...
eyes also blur edi....XD
den i decide to take a rest...watching tv lor....Xp
cause the weather is not quite good...seems to be raining....
n i'm abit din go out lor....
mayb tomolo oni will go out work...^^
now i'm goin to celebrate Hong Chin's Bday...
Goin his house now lor...^^

~~Continue after back from Hong Chin's house...^^~~

Hm...half way went to McD damansara there to meet wen hao n all of them...
go to Shell station to 'feed' my bike...
den reach McD there cant see them....after 1 round oni saw them...
den we manage to go Hong Chin's house immediately....
den i fetch Alex using my bike...XD
i think tat is the 1st time he being fetch by bike....Xp
he's kind of worry....cause i'm aCCident King wat...!!! lol.....=p
den we reach n wait outside his house and joke for awhile....
den Hong Chin seems very happy tat we din forget his Bday...
cause he looks like waited from yesterday de midnight....
scare we wun show up to celebrate wif him....wakakaka...XD
den we took quite some photos....i think tomolo will be uploaded in facebook...or later...Xp
den we keep chit chating till 11:25pm....den we decided to go home...
but we still standing outside his house n keep on ' socializing '....wakakakaka....=P
i think we speak quite loud...i scared will disturb their neighbours...haha....
den after arrange the sits for those ' passengers '....
den we depart n heading towards our own sweet home....
cause many of the exists had been close up...
so hong chin asked Lewis to guide me go out lor...hehe...
the stupid fellow lead me to a dead end.....den we U-turn lor...
when i just u-turn...i saw i Dog running towards my direction...
i was so scared...!!!! cause the dog quite huge also....XD
den i add up my speed lor...hehe...luckily his target is not me...hehe...
den we manage to use another exit to go out to the main road...
half way, i heard some weird sounds...den i notice there is something wrong wif the motorbike...
in my heart i think....OMG..!!! Pls dun broke down by tis time..!!!
cause its middle of the nite..!!!!haha....
den i saw tat the speed meter has gone wrong....
the niddle is not pointing to the speed tat i was riding.....
it seems like had loosen edi....
den i try not to ride tat fast....
So as u can see...i manage to reach home safely...
tomolo morning i think will ride to the motorbike shop to have a check...^^

~~~~~the End~~~~~

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sunday is quite a boring in the morning...
as usual..after went to church den go for breakfast....
After that, went home...the thing i do is On9.....haha...XD
Its consider as a routine edi...hehe....
Check mail, facebook-ing, facebook games....
but after playing those games for sometimes....felt bored jor...
so just off9 n watch astro....
Tune here n WNBA aLL Stars Game , ESPY awards, den watch Rambo....XD
eating while watching...hehe...
evening 5 something den go Bball lor....cause few days din play jor....
win 2 games n lost 1 game....cause exhausted den sit by the side of the court n watch them played...
afte cooling down...den went home have my dinner...Mc Donald burger...hehe....
den took bath n watch TV again....
suddenly got a call ...dunno who isit....but dun care la...just pick it up...
its ROY Lai..!!! long din contact wif him jor...haha...cause he is being boycott...pity him also...
He asked me to go play Bball at PCA house there...but i told him i'll just go there watch them play...
so i just simply wear....wear slipper go out...haha....
reached there around 9pm++.....
den sit down watched them play.... last still got play 1 game...because hand very itchy jor..hehe....
So, we went to mamak after lost to them....hehe....
just sit there for a moment den we manage to go home earlier...Be a good boy...
but reached home...cant sleep also...
so just updated blog lor....
tis is my Sunday...^^

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Tire-ing day...

Saturday, a busy day...
Normally in the morning will go for basketball...
Recently date the college students in church to play basketball together...
but today din play...
Cause my muscles are in pain....probably is yesterday overloaded edi.....hehe...
So, morning as usual, facebook-ing...
den rest awhile n get ready to go to church for afternoon sabbath service..
but due to today got convo of my i ride my bike cause need to go off earlier...
When reach college already almost 4pm ...but still not yet ended....many ppls is still waiting outside the college am i...
after awhile den it ended n all the graduates is comin out...its really very very crowded...!!!
just stand there for a moment oni edi sweating...hehe...
So, after finding for sometime, finally i saw few of my classmates n coursemates....
but they are too busy and they just left me there...din entertain me..>.<
den i continue my search..XD
So, saw my class rep...He's taking photos wif his ' brother '...haha....n he is surrounded by a bunch of envy lor....
den...took few photos for ppls n took a few pic wif them also la....haha...abo go there for wat..??hehe...
den...said wanna gather all the DIN ( my course de short form name ) graduates together de...
but its here n there....hard to contact them also...they din pick up the call also...
so wasted quite much of time finding each other...
after quite some of them infront of the college hall taking photos...hehe...
den since then i'm so called the CAMERA MAN....Xp
cause i was holding a camera belongs coursemates....
so i'm eveready...whenever she call me must prepare to snap photos for her....
so pity...luckily just now she promise to treat me....either eat or wat la..dun care...Xp
after tat...just keep taking photos lor...nth special...
So, when they are done....I went to church attend youth service....
when i reached church i saw my buddy also just back from convo...haha....
din saw him at college also...paiseh...
after dinner at church den quickly went back home...cause very tired....
plus siow wooi ask us to go yum cha...
Initially i wanna go de...but 9pm i went to fetch my dad...
cause i'm naughty....den din listen to mum's advice...use the main road of Kepong....
Damn man...traffic i'm driving such a huge car...abit scare..hehe...
but more scare to let dad waiting there...XD
hehe....den waste quite much time there...when reached home also 10pm dy...
tat time my head abit dicided not to go yum cha lor..hehe...
i've sent her a sms..dunno she got read it anot....haha...
den...after chating awhile....go into kitchen n find something to eat...
mana eat eat,cant stop eating.....until very full now...cant sleep...wakaka...XD
den go watch tv lor...hehe....
but no interesting de movie also...all also watched b4 edi...sien...
stupid astro...always repeated those movies or shows....
den on9 again....den chat wif sin sin....hehe..but she seems to be busy...
so i just updated the blog tatt u reading now lor...XD
the end of Tire-ing day....

Friday, July 24, 2009

July 25,Wow...

Hehe...finally i've create a blog...but dunno will update frequently anot...
still not use to the blog's features...hehe...